• Harvard's Journalist on Call

    Keith's Portfolio

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    Keith was Harvard's Journalist & Debated AP Pulitzer Prize Reporter -- with objective reporting.

    The Villages in Florida hosted Journalist on Call to debate a recent AP Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter. There were 400 paid attendees and a waiting list. It was awesome.

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    Keith is certified by the Florida Bar to teach public Defenders throughout the state of Florida.

    The elected Miami-Dade Public Defender gave our Journalist on Call high honors.

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    Awarded by his Peers - The Society of Professional Journalists gave Keith Their Top Honor.

    Original Journalist of Record for Harvard's Nieman Foundation for Journalism - Casey Anthony Trial.

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    Keith Worked at Harvard's Nieman Foundation for Journalism.

    Barry Sussman was Keith's Editor at Harvard. Previously, Barry supervised Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate series for the Washington Post.

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    Keith was Harvard's Principal Media reporter and he was critical of the Media as he covered a major headline criminal trial from Orlando.

    He solved this cold case.

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    Keith led panels at a major law school on legal issues for students & faculty.

    Black Lives Matter + Casey Anthony + O J Simpson